Rainbow Bridge
Unfortunately, these dogs and cats didn't make it. Hopefully they are now running happily over the rainbow bridge.
Chinchilla - female
Update 15/3/11: Sadly Cherish was diagnosed with Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and her bone marrow was infected. There was no possibility of treatment and she was sadly euthanised at one of our vets. RIP Cherish
Cherish was found living on the streets and was picked up by the local ranger and she has now been brought into care with DCH. Cherish is emaciated and will require a special diet to put weight and condition back on. She was covered in 100's of fleas more than her carer has ever seen on any animal. She has had a flea bath and the water ran red with flea dirt within seconds of running off her but she feels much better now. Cherish also needs a dental as her teeth for her age are in bad condition she also has a heart murmur which will need to be assesed once she is in better condition.
Update 19/1/11 Cherish is doing so much better now that she has had 2 weeks in foster care.She is slowly gaining weight and is getting much more confident in herself. She lays around mostof the day and enjoy's the sun through the windows. Cherish's heart mumur has been assesed and it is alow grade heart murmur which is great news for her.
Update 1/3/11 Cherish has been to the vets to have blood tests done as she hasn't been putting on any weight after she put on 500g after first arriving here. The results have now come back for a couple of the tests and we now know that her white cell count is extremley high and she is very anemic. At this stage the vets have sent off a bit of her blood to a specialst to test for what he thinks could be either a blood infection or cancer of some type.
If you can help us by sponsoring some of Cherish's ongoing vet expenses, which have so far come to $400, please call Megan on 9627 2767 or email dchanimaladoptions@iprimus.com.au or click below.
Thank you to Barbara, Kelli and Mark for helping sponsor some of Cherish's vet fees
Cheques can be sent to DCH Animal Adoptions 44 Dingle St Riverstone NSW 2765
DSH - male
Sadly Tommy lost his battle with cancer on 6/1/11. He was put to sleep with his carer and family by his side. RIP Tommy!
Update 9/1/2010: Sadly Tommy's run of medical bad luck is continuing and has taken a turn for the worse. Tommy was diagnosed with untreatable cancer of the mouth after 2 large tumours were found on his gums. The tumours are growing and his condition is being monitored to ensure he isn't in too much pain or discomfort. For now he is resting at his carers home where he feels very much loved and safe and they will continue to care for him until his condition worsens.
Tommy's tests and initial hospitalisation have come to $585. If you can assist with sponsorship for some of these costs please contact us or click on the donate button below Tommy knows he isn't the best looking man in town, looking much older than his actual age. But, he also knows that looks aren't everything. Tommy is a beautiful, no frills, no fuss, affectionate cat that happily gives you a croaky meow when he sees you. Tommy is not really a lap cat but adores having behind his ears scratched and enjoys lots of attention.
Tommy was hit by a car on 29/5/05. He has a fractured skull, torn ligament in his knee and a tear in his bladder. He is extrememly lucky to have survived and now we just have to wait for his injuries to heal themselves. The vets think that with time he will make a full recovery however it is unknown how well his knee ligament will heal. Update 14/11/06: Tommy has suffered from Urinary Tract Infections and due to the severity of the problem he will need to be on a special diet for the rest of his life. He requires Hills Science Diet C/D and we are seeking sponsors to help us cover this ongoing cost. Either by physical donations of food or with donations to help us cover the cost of purchasing this food. If you can help then please contact Megan on 9627 2767 or Click here to make a donation now: Update 7/1/2010: Poor Tom has had more bad news. He's been diagonosed with inoperable cancer after two tumours were discovered in his gums. Pathology has confirmed this diagnosis. Tom is now living out his days at his carers place where he is very comfortable and has received a lot of love over the past 5 years.
Thank you to Lynne, Stacey, Gayle, Irena, Ann and Terry and Karen Johnson, Jan, Leonie and Helen for their generous donations towards Tommy's treatment. At present Tommy's vet fees have been fully covered.
Cheques can be sent to DCH Animal Adoptions 44 Dingle St Riverstone NSW 2765
Bloodhound x
Last Day 15/4/08
Sadly time ran out for these lovely dogs
These dogs are currently impounded and are in need of a new home or a foster carer. They are big dogs and only young so have some growing to do still! They appear friendly, submissive and super sweet. Your typical big, goofballs who come to you straight away for cuddles.
Call Megan on 9627 2767 if you can help with giving either of these a foster home or Contact Hawkesbury Pound on 4577 4435 quoting Impound#HCC340 and HCC339 if you would like to adopt either dog direct from the pound.
Collie Rough - female
Words from her carer 2/6/12: It is such a sad day. I had to say goodbye to dear old sweet Bonnie girl. In December 2010 she was dumped at Blacktown Pound so old, so underweight, so matted and riddled with fleas. I brought her up there to the Country and took her to my lovely vet where it was established that she had cancer and it was expected that she only had maybe 6 months. 18 months later she had put on 10 kilos and had the most beautiful coat. She was a truly beautiful gentle soul who was so happy here where she was loved, looked after and everywhere I went she was right behind me. She would have followed me to the end of the earth and on some of our walks I think she must have thought I had taken her there. I can still hear her stressed barking every time I left here and she would come running trying to be the 1st to greet me when I came home. RIP sweet baby, I love you beautiful Bonnie and will miss you so much. Her ashes will be here next week, back to the home that she loved. Update 8/8/11: Despite the odds Bonnie is still going. She has masses of tumours in her abdomen now but it has not affected her at all yet. She is still eating so well, wandering around in her own little world, in fact several times she has wandered into the bush and I have had to chase her and shout at the top of my voice to get her attention and she turns and looks at me like 'what's your problem I know where I am' and then looks around and thinks 'how did I get down here' and slowly meanders back to the house. She is here in the study with me now with her jacket on that I am not allowed to take off her otherwise she follows me constantly until I put it back on and then she wanders off, she is such a funny little thing. The cancer is growing but she is not giving into it and is still the very independent Miss who will still have a go at them if they run into her when they are playing or worse still if they get on her bed, she stands and stares at them until they move, no matter how long it takes :)
This poor old girl came out of Blacktown pound last Friday (3/12/10). She was crawling with fleas and so encrusted with flea dirt that she had to have 2 baths as it was so bad it was taking more than 1 hour at a time and she was just so over it, you could not see the skin on her legs for the flea dirt.
When we took Bonnie to the vets for a check-up they found that she has an inoperable massive tumour in her abdomen and is not long for this earth.
This is just terrible treatment of this lovely old girl, who is the most docile and loving creature that you could find. For her to be so neglected and discarded at this time in her life when she is dying, especially when the owners would have been aware that she was ill as she has massive folds of skin that look like bulbous growths from her losing so much weight so quickly, is unforgivable.
She loves being inside although having lots of accidents because of the tumour pressing on her bladder and her favourite pastime is playing musical dog beds and going for walks with the other dogs that are now her family.
She will stay in care with a DCH carer for the rest of her days.
If you can help us by sponsoring some of Bonnie's expenses, which include to date grooming and flea expenses and ongoing vet consults and pain relief, please call Megan on 9627 2767 or email dchanimaladoptions@iprimus.com.au or click below.
Thank you to Terry and Karen, Kersti, Daniela, Nicole, Gail, Kelli and Hayley for their generous donations. Bonnie's expenses to date have now been covered.
Cheques can be sent to DCH Animal Adoptions 44 Dingle St Riverstone NSW 2765
DSH - male
Hugh was one of DCH's Lifetime Sponsorship Cats. Sadly he passed away on 10 December 2011
Hugh had a rough start to life, as one of a litter of feral kittens. He has spent practically his whole life in foster care. Hugh is very timid when meeting new people (more so with males). Hugh has just been diagnosed with FLUTD and will need to be on a special diet for the rest of his life.
We are seeking sponsorship to cover his dietary costs. Either by donations of his special food
Hills Science Diet C/D or equivalent
or by cash donations to help us purchase his food.
If you can help then please contact Megan on 9627 2767, email dchanimaladoptions@iprimus.com.au
Cheques can be sent to DCH Animal Adoptions 44 Dingle St Riverstone NSW 2765